Tuesday, October 11, 2016

...So What Happened?!

I mean what happened?! Standing at another ubiquitous bus stop waiting on another ubiquitous bus and there it is... some young mans ubiquitous underwear up in our faces... again! How can this be!! Young men for as far back as I known or as records have been kept have always wanted and did their best to look their best at all times! So I mean... what happened?

This clothing “style” actually has a name besides the one I use: “Pull up your trousers you bone-head!!” According to the most trusted source on the net, Wikipedia, they actually have a page about this “style” and it has a name! Of all things, this is called sagging. Just seems to miss a certain something that showing ones underwear in public is lacking with the term sagging. Car doors sag... tree branches with lots of snow on them sag, and less we forget, baby diapers can sag when filled with that most important unspoken ingredient that is truly missing with this lame name for a clothing trend known as Sagging!

So I ask you again... what happened? It reminds me of the second Back to the Future movie where all the kids clothes were way to big, inside out and just messy. Thinking then that the "future" I was viewing on the big screen was so not cool, that it would never be! Yeah right! I know, I know... I just can't help but ask... so what happened!!

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