Sunday, June 12, 2016

Eye Tickles

Growing up in the 60's &70's with dyslexia in Baltimore meant growing up in many ways alone. Never knowing how to describe my world to anyone in terms that was satisfying... it felt like being a colorblind painter, a tone deaf composer, or maybe a proctologist with a depth perception disorder... I know not!! What I can tell you is that seeing patterns have always made an unknown part of my eye's twitch... jump... feel something that to this day I still cannot put  into words. Add to this any prime color and its game on! Like a dog that can not help but chase whatever it is that is running in front of it, I simple must study the sight in the fullest of details, see it with my mind in all its different viewing angels and almost hear the song of that pattern in ears unseen... my hope is to capture this/that sound too.

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