Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Face of Cool...

Or better put... The Never Ending Changing Face of Cool... Oh My Goodness! It's like viewing the dying dance of that liquid terminator from Terminator II, the T-1000 in the pool of molten metal! That scene where liquid silver boy oscillated inside-out through his mouth over and over again trying to stay alive... now that was cool! 

But cool seems never the same through time at least to me, one who has never been called or who very well will never been called cool! I recall when to really, really be hip, with the times or "cool" one was called a hippie, or at least a "long haired gnome that needs to get off my grass!" Somehow unbeknown to me, this morphed into being punk if one was going to be "cool". And then that too changed into the preppy look somehow! But hold on, that's not all, there's more! Somehow the new cool then was punk or goth punk vampires of all things, and this was a "cool" look so I was told..." because it is cool you know, really, I sawed-it in a teen magazine!" Now if someone could please help me understand how that has in anyway led us to Hipsters I'd be much obliged! And being Nowhere Man myself I know that one or more styles have been missed in this collection... sorry about that.

Which brings us to "now", like silver liquid boy dying back in the movies, it seems that whatever elements that are, were or could be in anyway called "cool" are just crammed together like some 7th graders' failed attempt at collage. It is well known, that putting all of the same of any one thing together does not then create a better version for all that hard work. While in itself this is truly a matter of taste, to protesting that this new master piece is simply the best of the best by some is not in dispute here, not at all! Love whatever it is you feel you must and call it art if that feels right, create all the artwork you must because not doing so would be death for you because life would become meaningless! It just would be greatly appreciated if those who are in tune with the times, creators of the vibe of the day, those blessed with that innate quality of "cool" would find another venue to showcase these timeless works of modern art other than the dark sides of random buildings in differing states of decay. Or just maybe, that in itself is what's cool now?!

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